Defibtech Lifeline AED Trainer Package

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Regular price $437.90

Defibtech Lifeline AED Trainer Package

The Defibtech Trainer AED is a specialized training device that assists participants in learning the necessary skills for responding to a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) emergency. During training classes, participants are taught how to properly use an AED as part of a standard rescue protocol in the case of an SCA incident.

The Defibtech AED Trainer Package has a similar external design and operation to the Defibtech Series Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), specifically the Defibtech Lifeline AEDs. However, its rubberized exterior surfaces are marked by red over-molding instead of black, clearly indicating that it is a training device and not meant for actual patient defibrillation. Additionally, the reusable training pads and rechargeable battery pack are packaged and labeled in red to distinguish them as being for training purposes only.

The Trainer AED comes equipped with a remote control that enables the instructor to manipulate training exercises and features from a distance. While factory settings have the Trainer AED functioning in Semi-Automatic mode, the remote control allows for configuration into either Semi-Automatic or Fully Automatic mode. The remote control also offers the ability to choose from six simulated rescue scenarios for training purposes.

The Defibtech AED TRAINER Package includes:

  • DDU-100TR Trainer AED
  • DCF-DBP- RC2 Training Battery (rechargeable)
  • DTR-201 Training Battery Charger 
  • DDP-101TR Adult Training Pads
  • DTR-400 Remote Control